In any case, if you want to check the history of any specific order,  then tap on the View button just below to the order details.

Note: Every promo code has its separate, View, Edit, Active/Deactive, and Delete icon.

Create a Promo Code

On the same Promo Code screen, at its top-right corner, there is a small box, from where the app admin can easily create a new promo code, by simply submitting all the required details in the respective form fields. 

Open Create PC.jpeg

Here’s the look of Create Promo Code screen:

Browse: By tapping on the “Browse” button,  you can choose an image with a direct capture method or also from your phone’s gallery.

App Admin – Printer Settings

In order to provide the billing receipt to the customers in a print format, this app also allows you to take print receipts of the bills, and to manage the print settings, this “Printer Setting” option will help you, to review and arrange all the required for your printer with this application.


 If you want to close or shut down the application, tap the Logout button from the app main menu.